#NTP is needed on every node in the cluster sync'd to the same place of course
yum -y install ntp
#Needed for gfs clustering
yum -y groupinstall Clustering
#GFS kernel module and FS utils
yum -y install gfs-kmod
yum -y install gfs-utils
#Needed to get the stupid system-config-cluster running for configuration of the cluster
yum -y install xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-fonts-base xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
#NTP is needed on every node in the cluster sync'd to the same place of course
chkconfig ntpd on
service ntpd start
#Stop updatedb trawling our gfs mounts
echo 'PRUNEFS = "auto afs iso9660 sfs udf"
PRUNEPATHS = "/afs /media /net /sfs /tmp /udev /var/spool/cups /var/spool/squid /var/tmp /cvp /mnt/cvp /media"' > /etc/updatedb.conf
# Create the filesystem with 125 journals(nodes) clustername coull and fs name cvp on /dev/hdb
gfs_mkfs -p lock_dlm -t coull:cvp -j 125 /dev/hdb
#config /etc/cluster/cluster.conf using system-config-cluster by throwing the x connection back to your machine via SSH
#add cluster hosts to /etc/hosts not DNS as this introduces a point of failure and some slowdown.
#Start clustering and GFS services
service cman start
service clvmd start
service gfs start
#Mount SAN device which should be a clv (centralised logical volume)
mount -t gfs /dev/san1/lvol0 /san -o noatime
# Memcache anyone? Not sure what the options are for yet as I've never set it up before
/usr/bin/memcached -d -m 512 -l -p 11211 -u nobody
Thursday, 10 July 2008
CentOS 5 GFS Install
I have decided to include the steps I felt I needed to take to make a test install of GFS before I decided not to use it. It doesn't cover clvm configuration but it's very similar to LVM2 which is well documented on the net so I decided not to include it here.
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Why did you decide not to use GFS? What did you use instead?
Hi! Great guide...Thanks!
But, I have a problem. For my degree I have installed a cluster by RedHat cluster suite. It's ok!
Each node in the cluster have a share disk from a remote server by iSCSI. It's ok!
I've created a LVM with clvm. And when I mount GFS, I have an particular error: lock_dlm!!
I don't know...
Can you help me??
Max from Italy
mail: matrix83net@aol.com
@Ocean Observing: I moved to GlusterFS mostly due to the lack of GFS documentation and that it seemed too immature for a production project without a lot of test and dev.
@Massimilliano: I have not seen this error sorry, but I did not stay with GFS for very long as you will see my my other entry on GFS :)
See the other GFS post here :)
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